Monday, January 31, 2011

Amaya Sexton Photo Story

Born Adam White on May 10, 1989 in Richmond, Indiana, Amaya Sexton is a transsexual living in Dayton, Ohio.  Sexton has made a living out of female impersonation, also known as being a drag queen after winning fifty dollars in her first drag competition two and a half years ago.  She has performed at numerous clubs throughout Ohio and bordering states during her career.  One of the clubs she frequently performs at is Club Masque in Dayton, Ohio.  Currently holding several titles and crowns, Sexton competes in drag shows and pageants treating it as a profession and making it her life.  The salary and tips Sexton receives from performing goes towards her extensive collection of extravagant clothing, make up, shoes, and wigs for performing, as well as her rent.  Sexton is still anatomically a male, but living as a transsexual, she hopes to one day save up enough money to undergo cosmetic surgery to get silicone enhancements in her breasts and hips to gain a more feminine figure without the use of padding and makeup. 

 Dusty Jones of Versailles, Ohio and Willie Drake of Dayton, Ohio help Amaya Sexton; born Adam White, of Richmond, Indiana dress for a drag performance at Club Masque in Dayton, Ohio by cinching her waste with a corset.  Sexton, being a transsexual lives her life as a woman during the day and on stage while dancing and lip-syncing as a female impersonator.

 John Gebhardt of Dayton, Ohio comes down to the dressing room to wish Amaya good luck on her performance for the night.  Gebhardt is a usual at Club Masque and has acted as the club's official photographer since the club's opening in 2004, photographing various events and performers.

 Kyle Williams of Dayton, Ohio helps Sexton prepare for each of her performances by assisting with hair and makeup fine details.  Williams met Sexton through friends at the salon, Fiffe Eli Salon in Centerville, Ohio, where he has worked as a hair stylist for two and a half years.

 Because Sexton is still a male anatomically, Williams must help her create the illusion of a female performer by adding certain make up techniques to enhance the look of Sexton's chest.  Sexton plans to undergo cosmetic surgery to get silicone enhancements in her breasts and hips to gain a more real female figure once she has saved up enough money.

 Sexton performs at Club Masque as a woman to a country song, which is not part of her usual repertoire of music choice.  Sexton usually performs two to three nights a week at Club Masque and has gained somewhat of a fan base because of her energetic and frequent performances.

 Sexton dances and lip syncs to her own custom mixes usually and has gained fans who tip her every time from usuals at Club Masque.  An average of four performers or more generally perform on Club Masque's stage per night, while each performer will put one three separate numbers all in one show.

 While Sexton is not performing, she usually will buy a drink with some of her tip money from a performance and mingle with the crowd at the bar or dance with her friends such as her dresser, Kyle Williams.  Sexton has made a living out of female impersonation, which has gained her several award titles and various friends at each club she performs.

It has become a custom after every show, once the bar has closed that Sexton and a group of friends will go out to eat at Denny's located less than five minutes from Club Masque.  The group has become such usual customers, that the third shift staff looks forward to seeing them and will have a table already set up for them once the bar has closed.  

Once the bar has closed, and everyone has left Denny's, Sexton goes home generally at about five in the morning to strip off her make up and ambiguous clothes to relax from what is considered a hard day's work for her.  Sexton lives in Dayton, Ohio with fellow Club Masque employee, Ashley Dawkins.

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